Have you ever wanted to learn more about Rotary's Guiding principles or Areas of Focus? Or maybe you're curious about how other Clubs promote awareness of their Rotary activities in their community and beyond? Perhaps you're interested in the ways that your Club can attract new members while creating an environment where all of your members are engaged and feel a sense of belonging? Do you want your Club to become more vibrant?
Join our District's leaders and Rotarians from throughout the Hudson Valley in a fun and engaging series of small group discussions and activities for ALL Rotarians on a variety of topics, including membership, public image, service, Rotary Foundation and much more!
Learning Center Live is Rotary learning for ALL members, from members who have recently joined to our most experienced Rotarians. Each course is a combination of individual online learning in advance of live in-person discussion sessions at three levels of knowledge (Essentials, Intermediate & Advanced).
Saturday, October 26, 2024
8:45 am to 2:45 pm
Refreshments and Lunch are included
New Paltz High School
130 South Putt Corners Road
New Paltz, NY
1 Free New Member registration (joined since July 1, 2022)
for every paid registration
$100 for 3 registrations from the same Club
Go to Learning Center Live (click here) to learn more & register!